Final Exam

I really enjoyed learning about all these cool features about security, content browsing, social media, streaming and audio and mobile apps. The one I really liked was the mobile app. Im a huge sports fan and have always been looking for an app/website to keep me up to date besides on my sports team besides espn. But then I ran into Bleacher Report which is way better than ESPN. Its more hip and up to date. It keeps me updated with the teams i follow. It sends me notifications straight to my phone and only about the teams that I follow. ESPN gets annoying because they send me notifications of things I don’t care about.Instead of having to look up the information,the information comes to me, which is great.  It also has specific pages for the teams that i follow and follows them on social media like  twitter and instragam, so its very fast and up to date. Its easy to sign up and fast, they also upload videos and have a trending section and they also have a gaming section which is cool, has a lot more features that I’ve ever seen. Maybe one feature that it may lack is like a live stream, thats one thing ESPN has the upper hand on. In class I’m just going to demonstrate why this app is great if your a sports fan.


Assignment #7- Mobile Media

The two apps that I find very useful are Spotify and Bleacher Report. Spotify app is very useful since its my only source of Music since I don’t use iTunes. I do pay for the premium account which  allows me to save songs offline(so i don’t use data), skip songs and make my own playlists and be ad free. The other music apps like pandora, google music just aren’t that convincing, at fist i was skeptical about Spotify but that quickly changed. Its very simple to use and is fast with uploading new current music. With out Spotify id be screwed but Im glad that it was created.

The other app I chose is the Bleacher Report app. Im a huge sports Fan for all the local Bay Area teams plus soccer teams in Europe. The Bleacher app keeps me up to date with the scores and highlights of the teams that I specifically follow. It provides me with news about the team, the time and day there are schedule to play so i don’t miss a game. Its fast and you can manage on your phone settings to turn on or off the notifications. If you’re into sports this is a sweet app to have.

Assignment #5- Digital Audio & Animation

Before taking this class, for music I would use iTunes to listen to music. But then I started to use Spotify but the free version. But then I decided to pay for Spotify and haven’t looked back since. Ive tried Pandora and google music and Amazon Prime music but Spotify has to be my main choice. Spotify is just too good, I don’t even have music on iTunes anymore. The fact that you can save songs offline so you don’t have to use up data is a huge deal breaker for me. Pandora you need to use up data and its very limited with skipping and choosing songs, while Spotify has a huge range of songs and albums to chose from and you can make your own playlists with the songs you like and skip when ever you want. So Spotify is my main choice hands down and worth paying for the premium account instead of the limited one.

Here are a couple of my Fav. Tracks: They are Chill and Mellow. Enjoy! 🙂

James Bay- Let It Go

Ghost Loft- So High

Drake- Doing It Wrong

Assignment #5- Social Media

I don’t use Facebook, but one social media I use a lot is Instagram. Its a good way to connect with old and new friends,tag them in funny videos, send them direct messages. There are Hashtags and that can help you find something quicker, like maybe a good place to eat or have a drink.  Its short and easy and not to complicated to use. I feel like a lot of people are using Instagram more and not using Facebook that much.

But Out of the three Social Media that I looked at besides Instagram include: Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn,they all had unique and awesome features. I like Pinterest a lot, this was the first time I went on the website. It was easy to understand, helps you follow things that interests you and you can always search for things you like. But on a professional level or getting a Job I would have to lean on LinkedIn. It is time consuming and I’m still very new to using the website, but there are a lot of job opportunities out there.You can look for a job that interests you and all the description is available which is a plus. Its awesome that people can endorse you for a specific skill, so like if a company looked at your profile you’d have the word of others to back you up. It feels like a personal resume that you can cary with you at all time. You can also connect with other people with the same  skills and see what they are doing to help improve your skill as well. LinkedIn is a very powerful and useful tool.

Assignment #4- The Browser

1 &2) I’ve been using Safari and Firefox web browsers for quite a while. But downloaded Google Chrome and it downloaded pretty quick with no problem.  I still enjoy/prefer to use Firefox out of the three. It runs smoother and I am able to get to webistes with no problem unlike the other two browers. I feel like google chrome has better ad ons and extensions, but firefox has the ones I need and dont feel the need to add unnecessary ad ons. I use google drive and gmail a lot and in firefox when i load the home page it gives me the option to access them instantly. A browser cookie is: a memory of visits, in the past or in progress.

3)A cookie is a small piece of text sent to your browser by a website you visit. It contains information about your visit that you may want the site to remember, like your preferred language and other settings. The browser stores this data and pulls it out the next time you visit the site to make the next trip easier and more personalized. A Browser extensions let you add new features to your browser — literally extending your browser.This means that you can customize your browser with the features that are most important to you. A Browser Plug  is an additional piece of software that specializes in processing particular types of content. A browser extension lets you access a certain website with adobe flash player while a plug in is a small icon on your browser which could be a game or a shorcutt to access an app.

4) I didn’t know to much about add ons and extensions until it was explained in class and decided to give it a shot. So I decided to add Adblock plus and Bluhell Firewall. I wasn’t sure what to download so i click on most popular to get a sense of which add on to get so i went with the adblock and bluhell firewall. I didnt know it was possible to block adds on youtube until i installed the add on, which is sick. The bluhell Firewall helps with tracking/privacy protector and helps make firefox run faster.